Introducing the Proud AF Collection
Proud AF was designed to be a bold representation of cultural identity. Not only does SMK3 apparel provide self-affirmation and confidence, it also acts as a visual cue for others, providing an idea of who you are and what you represent.
Welcome to SMK3
Our apparel brand is inspired by culture and self-expression. We offer beautiful, high quality products that are designed especially for you. Discover our story and learn more about our brand.

Culture Inspired
Culture / kulChur /
(n.) the fabric of everyday existence. Life, confidence, and freedom to self-express and be original. Permission to represent your swag - boldly, unapologetically, and proudly.
Check out our Culture Blog to learn more about culture.
Culture Blog

Juneteenth: A Day to Celebrate but Also a Time to Remember →

Puerto Rican Day Parade: A U.S. celebration of history, culture, and resilience →